I am a resposible parent

I am a responsible parent.

For instance, when Zeke throws all of his crackers on the kitchen floor at snack time, I don't sometimes just leave them there...you know...in case he gets hungry later.

And I most definitely don't set an alarm some days for 5:00 so I can be sure to get dressed and do all the dishes before my husband gets home from work.

Nor have I put my son on a 2 outfit per day limit and just leave him naked for the rest of the day if he dirties that second outfit. I do as much laundry as necessary.

I also don't ever feed my one year old ramen noodle for lunch. We only eat healthy and organic thankyouverymuch.

And I certainly dont decide I can skip a bath, because after all, I just hosed him off in the backyard. I would never hose a child off in my backyard.

And I can GUARANTEE that I didn't do all of the above yesterday.

I am a responsible parent after all.


Jen at The Places We Live said...

Thanks for making me smile. :)

Jennspiration said...

Hey Courtney,
Remember that Kiwi Magazine I was telling you about, well the free subscription is back, here is the link...I think you would enjoy it.


Veronica said...

Very funny!