Malachi is doing beautifully. Im afraid there might be some small food sensitivity, he has gas at times and the stinkiest diapers EVER. So far Ive eliminated milk, soy, gassy veggies (like broccoli), and nuts with no difference. Right now Im on tomatoes. Also I gave up chocolate for lent. He seems a bit better (maybe?) so we will see what happens when I reintroduce tomato later this week, and gorge on chocolate on Easter. If its not those either I dont even know what to try next and might just give up. It doesnt seem to bother him terribly but he's such a low-key baby I'm not sure how much he'd let us know even if it was bothering him.
But yes, Mal is about the happiest and quietest kid you can imagine. As long as he's in mommy's arms that is. But that is where babies belong anyways so I dont mind too much. He loves mommy and he loves brother Zeke...daddy...not so much. Zeke also went thru a short mommy-only phase, and it really really hurt Josh's feelings and injured his confidence in his fathering abilities. This time around he just shrugs his shoulders, babies will be babies after all. It probably also helps that Zeke thinks Josh is pretty much a god.
He is holding his head up now, and I'm starting to do tummy times with him. He will do it for 10 or so minutes as long as either Zeke or I lay on the ground with him. He's also doing active, awake runs of a good 3 or 4 hours which our new pediatrician is absolutely thrilled about. She was pretty thrilled about everything Mal does ;) which guaranteed her continuity as our pediatrician. I refuse to employ doctors that dont see my children's inherent genius, lol.
I was actually sad to see Dr Morgan go, Ive never had any issues with him in the last year and a half and I know I'm a sometimes obnoxious patient that argues just about every procedure. He always let me go my own way, however, and I appreciate that. But he's not on the provider list of our new insurance, which means our co-pay doubles.
This new woman is wonderful though. WONDERFUL. A. like Dr Morgan she supports that I home-birth, that I partial-immunize, that I dont circumcise, that I use antibiotics only as a last resort, and that I'm controlling Zeke's vesicoureteral reflux homeopathically, as well as refusing all the x-rays that are "regular procedure". That in itself is hard to find. But she also B. comes to your house!!! and C. Is knowledgeable about breastfeeding (which Dr Morgan was all...the man said some stupid things). I don't really expect a pediatrician to come to my house or to know anything about breastfeeding (especially a male pediatrician). But honestly, the two are so soo very nice I think maybe I should.
He's also been having some awful awful nightmares lately. We arent sure what to do about them. We've always been careful not to let him watch any upsetting TV or video games so we also arent sure where they are coming from. He will just be screaming and screaming in his sleep "ahhh! no! no! noooo!" and then wake up hysterical in his bed and crying out for daddy. Either that or running into our room at full speed.
We've been comforting him as well as we can, and then he spends the rest of the night in bed with us literally clinging to Josh like his life depends on it but I wish there was more that we could do. I try to talk to him about it in the morning but since he's still pretty much pre-verbal I dont know if he really gets it or not. Any advice?
Hey, I found your blog through Annali's (I've known her since we were babies). Have you tried cutting out wheat? My son was always really gassy and would get a horrible diaper rash until his doctor suggested I cut out wheat. It was actually one of the first ones she suggests moms try and cut out. It's not fun-I miss bread a lot, but he's a lot happier and more comfortable now.
I remember when I was little and had nightmares they weren't from TV. I was terrified at night that the washing machine was going to come up the stairs and eat me. For no reason. That's the worst dream I have ever had and would have the same one alot. So don't blame yourself. :) I always felt better after going into my parents room and they would pray for me and pat my back until I felt better. Hope he gets over it soon! :(
He's already so big!! Wowsah!
Who is your new pediatrician? When you said you were sad to see Dr Morgan "go" I just about had a heart attack. For a split second I thought we retired or something. (I have totally neglected getting H in for a 2 year checkup so I haven't seen him since July and wouldn't have a clue if he was really gone!) I'm glad you love your new doctor!
Who is your new pediatrician? When you said you were sad to see Dr Morgan "go" I just about had a heart attack. For a split second I thought we retired or something. (I have totally neglected getting H in for a 2 year checkup so I haven't seen him since July and wouldn't have a clue if he was really gone!) I'm glad you love your new doctor!
Congrats on finding a great pediatrician - thats like gold when you find one that understands you...ya know? Your kids are adorable btw. With the scary dreams all I can say is sometimes little kids just have night terrors and theres nothing you can do about it - thats what I've heard. Its something they have to grow out of...hopefully I'm wrong.
Wow your little one is really growing! That's so awesome and he sounds amazing, I love the low key baby. :)
Good luck with the nightmares, hopefully it's just some sort of phase. No fun for the parents when there is not much you can do. Hopefully he'll grow out of it in no time.
I started having really bad nightmares right around that age and it lasted through grade school. my parents were very careful as well in what i saw on tv and such becuase of it. my mom (and dad) started praying out loud specifically for good dreams and for protection from bad dreams with me before going to bed and often would leave music or a happy story book on tape quietly in the background. I remember them praying with me helping a lot. It didn't always make the dreams stop but it did help me to stay calm and know I was safe at night. It's something I still do now before going to sleep out of habit lol
My son was very low key too. I can't believe he is a month old already. They are both such gorgeous boys.
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