A brithday is coming up!

I realized today in a moment of panic that Zeke turns 1 in....1 week!!! 7 days is all I have left! I was totally shocked and then dismayed when I realized that means I only have 9 days until his first birthday party, which I have barely thought about, let alone planned.

And since my morning sickness (which has been very on and off) decided to make this an OFF day, I decided to use my ability to move around wisely and get some planning and shopping done.

Since Zeke has never watched TV and therefor has no loyalty to any cartoon I decided a while ago to play it simple and just make his party theme COLOR. As in lots of different ones. I actually was first inspired when I saw THIS cake, which I am totally planning on making. You know, unless I feel sick/overwhelmed/tired the day before....then I think a box mix of Funfetti might be just as appropriate. Its always nice to have a back-up plan after all.

So the cake is done (or at least planned). And along with my whole idea of making the party as simple as possible we are serving hamburgers and veggie/fruit trays. So food is planned as well. And to make things even SIMPLER we don't plan on any actual activities other than letting the 7 or so invited children run around like hooligans in the yard and if its warm enough set up a few borrowed kiddie pools, you know, so they can run around like WET hooligans. Ahh the joys of childhood.

So today's planning was mostly just going to some stores (including the dollar store, gotta love 'em) and picking up colorful baloons, streamers, plasticware, and fun party favors. Because I'm slightly OCD (and majorly OCD when pregnant) it also inlvolved a graph and drawing to make sure I covered all colors equally but hey...give me a break.


Anonymous said...

if you need/want any last minute help with cake baking (should you spend a lot of time puking your guts out and whatnot) please feel free to take advantage of the fact that I am a baker!

Mom said...

Sounds like fun! I'm sure it will go well. Aidan's was super easy. His grandparents picked up some pizza, we opened presents... that was about it! No kiddos though, just our family. Have fun!

Jennspiration said...

I LOVE that cake, thanks for the link...I might have to try that one out. Mike loves a rainbow layered jello that reminds me of this. I can't believe Zeke is turning 1!!!