Finding Simplicity Again

I've been feeling bogged down; overcrowded, overwhelmed, it sends me into a kind of paralysis. Time to re-read (again) Simplicity Parenting and be inspired. It's become an every-6-months book for me. As essential to life as Jane Austin. Honestly, I wonder if Zeke is feeling the same? He has been insisting on "stay home!" every morning, and while it began as honoring his needs (and avoiding tantrums) I've realized my son is far wiser than I. Staying home has been nice.

Maybe I can skip the book and listen to my 2 year old and be inspired? His most common sentence right now is "Look at me!".

Simplicity Parenting indeed. Stay home. And look at Zeke. As good advice as I've ever gotten.

It's also time for a blog make-over. And by makeover I mean lighter colors and getting rid of 75% of my sidebar junk.

We will see if blogging is just like life in the fact that once you throw out 75% of your realize none of it was actually needed.


Kari Marchelli said...

I love the new layout!!

Melissa aka Equidae said...

I love the new look and yes that book is good...I still have to finish reading it but I realised my sister needs it more than I and so lent it to her....hope it helps her!